Saturday, September 1, 2018

A country in mourning

Today, the United States says goodbye to an American Hero Sen. John McCain. He was a warrior for his fellow warriors. He supported and loved the Armed Forces, doing whatever he could to not only honor those who did not come home, but also those who did. The Senator would often visit the Vietnam War Memorial on his way to the Senate privately.  He did this to honor his Brothers-in-Arms who didn't come home, not taking away their memory by making it about him.

We often forget that those who served in Vietnam did things, sometimes horrible things, to survive. Because of these actions, these men and women were looked down upon by those at home. This is why the younger generations should, when we see these men and women should walk up to them and shake their hands and welcome them home. Simply because it may be the only time they hear it. Shake their hand, welcome them home, thank them for what they have done and buy them a Pepsi.

We who do not serve sometimes forget that those who do, are asked to do some things that we do not understand or think of. We do not know the pressures these soldiers are asked to do or have to do in order to survive. They are doing what they have to do to see the ones they love again. As those who love them, we should understand. We may not want to understand, but we should, or at the very least accept their actions.

You may disrespect the war (conflict) but don't disrespect those who serve/served.

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